Visitor Interpretive Experience Planning
for parks, museums, nature centers, zoos, and aquariums
Creating mission-driven, enjoyable interpretive experiences for your audience from living room to living room.
The visitor experience starts and ends at home.
We often think of the visitor experience as taking place within the walls of our site. But by the time a visitor walks through the front doors, they’ve likely already had at least one experience that led them there, and we certainly want them to keep thinking about us when their visit is over. A visitor interpretive experience plan increases engagement, relevance, and satisfaction by taking into account your visitors’ unique wants and needs.
You already have talented staff that can do this.
No one knows the challenges and the assets of your site like your own people. I’m the expert on the planning process; you’re the experts of your resources. I train and facilitate the folks you’ve already invested in so that they create the plan, and I mean all your folks. Front line staff, maintenance, management, educators, animal care, board — they all have equal input. Team input gives them ownership and buy-in because it’s their plan. That buy-in means this isn’t a plan that sits on the shelf — it’s a plan destined for completion.